Sunday, March 28, 2010

Doing a spring clean of your wardrobe?


I can't believe how many months it has been since I last wrote on here- very sorry. Have received many more books in these last few months which is fantastic & the clients are loving being able to choose from such a wide variety of books on a weekly basis! Thank you to everyone who has donated. Also don't forget we've got a Facebook group @

I am currently on the hunt for blankets, sleeping bags & winter clothing as it is beginning to get quite a bit cooler here in Canberra. So, if you're cleaning out your wardrobes and find you have any blankets and/or winter clothing (huge demand for men's clothing- preferably jackets/jeans etc) that you no longer want then please pop by & drop them off to me. They must be clean & be in decent condition though!
Please drop by @: The Griffin Community Centre, Genge St in Civic. I'm there every Tuesday from 4-6pm.

Many thanks lovely people,
Tammy :)