Saturday, November 13, 2010

Our 1st Birthday!


Apologises for the lack of posting onto this blog. I have been using the Facebook group to communicate through so if you haven't joined already- please do so!

On October 21st, 2010 Books for All celebrated it's very first birthday!! It was a lovely afternoon with plently of books, laughter and home-made piklets (with jam & cream!) and choc chip muffins! It is a great acheivement to get to one year but one that could never have happened if it wasn't for the support of everyone who has donated books, provided storage space and given support and encouragment throughout the year. So, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has helped out Books for All!!

In 2011 we would love to bring some more volunteers on board who would like to volunteer a couple of hours each week or fortnight. So for more information please contact me on

I'll leave you with a few photographs for our first birthday!

Thanks again, Tammy